Jack Rollen is a professional songwriter of genres R&B Soul, Pop, EDM, Trap and HipHop. Jack Rollen started writing music/songs in 2016 with his first single "Fly." Since then Jack Rollen has focussed on elevating his song wriring skills and uppimg his pen game.
Jack Rollen writes melodic, melancholic sad type songs with the deepest feel possible.
Jack Rollen has gained songwriring experience in all of the genres mentioned above. Rollen has written 200 complete songs, many verses and contless choruses.

Jack Rollen is also a poet. Jack Rollen is a professional poet, a talent/skill which he has stared in as a hobbyist. Jack Rollen has written 78 complete poems in the following types; Free Verse, Haiku, Sonnet, Elegy and Lyric Poetry.
It's through poetry that Jack has managed to bring his songwriting skills to the next level. Jack Rollen Started writing Poems in 2017 with his very fast poem being "African Queen" which he magnamously performed in the National Theatre of The Republic Of Uganda and won the award for 'Best Composition' in the Lyric Poetry category.

Jack Rollen is a professional Producer/Beat Maker. Jack has made over 130 beats which he gives out for free to up coming artists. He does this cos he knows the hustle for up coming artists financially. Some upcomers can't even afford a beat online, hence the offer.
Jack Rollen Makes; Drill Type Beats, Sad Type Beats, Freestyle Type Beats, Trap Type Beats.
Jack Rollen has been making beats since 2020 and has since then upped his skills in the beat making field.

Jack Rollen is a highly imaginative kind of a person with a very strong personality. Jack Rollen learns fast, that explains why he has so much excelled in all these major categories all of which are interconected especially to become the best Musical artist or songwriter out there.

Jack Rollen is open for any deals or business.
You can easily get in touch with him on all the major Social Media platforms and music streaming platfroms.
For urgent deals;

Contact Info:
E-mail 1    - jackrisy@gmail.com
E-mail 2    - mailjrofficial@gmail.com
Call Line 1 - +256786936881
Call Line 2 - +256763011956

WhatsApp Google Map

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